OSU Bolz Hall
Window Replacements
Bolz Hall was out of sync. Its neighbors featured lots of glass in more up-to-date “curtain walls,” which are outer, non-structural walls typically found on high-rise buildings. The newer buildings sported both a current look and better window insulation. In order to catch up Bolz Hall, BDT set out to replace windows. However, instead it devised a phased curtain wall replacement.
After investigating window sizes and specifics, BDT realized that working within the existing curtain wall’s structure would actually increase project costs, extend the construction duration, and limit the windows’ warranty. Therefore, instead of replacing individual windows, the entire curtain wall system would be replaced—one vertical section at a time.
The project was planned around the summer semester, when the building would be less busy than during regular sessions. While the building generally remained occupied, various spaces were temporarily off limits during each phase. BDT provided constant construction observation, and shepherded the project to completion before classes resumed.
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
12,000 SF